About Me

Me: Erin
Mom to: Isaiah (almost 4) & Josiah (7 months)
Wife to: Jacob, US Navy - they came as a BOGO pair
 I am a fulltime Mom.  I hate the term stay-at-home-mom b/c I am rarely home.  I also do not define myself as "not working outside of the home." I work plenty... and as previously mentioned, not at home.   Besides we all know people go to "work," earn a pay-check and, in all honesty, work almost never. I am passionate about my beliefs and my family & friends.  I love politics, and when my beliefs and politics collide - there's no changing my mind.  I believe that my purpose on this planet to be a reflection of Jesus in ALL things I do & say.  I'm not always good at it but I admit that I am still a work-in-progress.  My life's goal is to raise 2 godly young men, be a fully-committed wife to my godly husband,and to remain obedient on the path that God has laid before me.